Increase product engagement with 3D and AR

Boost performance and provide customers with an immersive shopping experience to make better decisions.

The ultimate end-to-end solution for ecommerce product visualisation


increase in order conversions when implementing 3D and AR


of customers are less likely to return their purchase


more likely to purchase a product when viewing it in AR

Engaging shopping experiences lead to higher conversions and lower return rates.

Interactive, engaging shopping experiences lead to higher product engagement. This way, you close the gap between on- and offline shopping and increase shopper confidence. 

These engaging online shopping experiences have proven to increase conversions across the board. What’s more, 3D product viewers and AR offer your customers all the essential information to make well-informed buying decisions, reducing the chance of mismatched expectations.

Interactive product experiences

3D Product Viewer

Our 3D product viewer will help you display realistic and accurate representations of your products, giving your customers a new and exciting way to view and interact with them. By visualizing your products in 3D, you can put your customers in control and give them a truly immersive experience.

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App-less AR

Rendered’s app-less AR enables customers to preview products in their own environment, without the need to download plugins or apps. The technology is supported across different browsers and devices.

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Virtual Photography

Photorealistic product images for multiple marketing touchpoints. Scalable high quality product imagery using virtual production, for as many variations as needed.

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Rendered shorts

10 – 15 second product animations for highly effective product detail pages, social media and marketing campaigns

Virtual try-on

Enhance the shopping experience and allow customers to quickly try-on glasses and shoes directly within your PDP.

All-in-one platform

The Rendered platform takes the hassle out of 3D content creation, our content pipeline has been designed to make it as easy as possible to start integrating 3D and AR into your e-commerce site.

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Create 3D assets

Take control of your 3D content requirements. Rendered’s platform and dedicated content creators ensure a high quality and consistent 3D pipeline. 

Manage 3D content

Manage orders, give feedback and download final assets through your account in the platform.

Publish 3D & AR

Publish 3D assets within minutes using embed links and dynamic QR codes, compatible on all ecommerce platforms.

Embed analytics

Keep track of your published 3D assets and see how customers are engaging with your products.

3D offers a new angle on ecommerce success

Offering your customers a truly interactive shopping experience is vital for ecommerce success. The ability to rotate and zoom in on the product to get a “feel” for the materials, details, and quality will significantly increase customer engagement.

Augmented Reality: immersive, interactive shopping experience

Allows customers to virtually try products and visualize them in their environment, increasing satisfaction.

Rendered’s AR is app-less and does not require customers to download any plugins or apps. Customers can either scan the QR code with their mobile device or directly view the product in AR when visiting the mobile page. 


Try it for yourself
Click on the AR icon, scan the QR code with your mobile device and experience augmented reality in your environment.

Numbers you can rely on


of shoppers are less likely to return a product after using AR

Source: Snapchat Business


For brands, AR plays a critical role in driving purchases, as 74% of AR fashion shoppers say they intend to purchase products after using AR, a finding consistent across other markets and categories.

Source: Snapchat Business


According to the 2021 Snap Consumer AR report, 78% of customers prefer 3D experiences on product pages.

Source: Snap Consumer AR report 2021 

Try 3D and AR with your products now!

The best way to experience the possibilities is to see it for yourself with your own products. Now you can experience all the possibilities of interactive 3D and AR.

Want to know how it works?
Watch the webinar

Boost conversions with interactive 3D and AR!

In this webinar we will show you:

  • The basics of 3D and AR
  • Why and how it can benefit conversion and return rates,
  • How easy is it to implement 3D and AR into your platform of choice

All there is to know about 3D and AR – in only 20 minutes

Let us show you all the possibilities 3D has to offer. Whether you need to create 2D imagery at much lower costs or want to provide your clients with a richer shopping experience, 3D offers a cost-efficient solution. Fill out the form, and we will contact you to set up a demo.