Maximize Your

Online Furniture Sales

Boost performance and provide customers with an immersive shopping experience to make better decisions.

Trusted by 1000+ brands and retailers worldwide

“Ecommerce conversion rates in the furniture sector to be as low as 0.5% on average, compared to 2.25% for all industries.

Here’s how to fix it


Invest in High-Quality

Product Visual Content

Boost your sales and enhance your online presence with high-quality product images. Why are great visuals so important? They make your products stand out from the competition and give your brand a professional, credible look.

Plus, 56% of online shoppers won’t buy from websites with poor product photos. We can help you achieve these high-quality visuals quickly with our AI-driven post-production platform

Invest in High-Quality Product Visual Content

Boost your sales and enhance your online presence with high-quality product images. Why are great visuals so important? They make your products stand out from the competition and give your brand a professional, credible look.

Plus, 56% of online shoppers won’t buy from websites with poor product photos. We can help you achieve these high-quality visuals quickly with our AI-driven post-production platform

Introduce 3D technology for higher product engagement

Offering your customers an interactive shopping experience is key to e-commerce success. Enabling them to rotate and zoom in on products enhances their understanding of the quality and details, boosting engagement. 3D technology helps make more informed purchases, increasing conversions. Additionally, pages with 3D viewers show higher ‘add to cart’ rates and fewer returns compared to those without.

Product videos

10 – 15 second product videos for highly effective product detail pages, social media and marketing campaigns

360 spins

Enhance the shopping experience and allow customers to quickly spin the product around directly within your PDP.

Offer augmented reality to help customers make confident purchases

AR enables customers to visualize products in their homes, allowing them to view them from different angles and locations. This increases customer engagement and aids in making more confident purchasing decisions.

Additionally, it’s becoming a sought-after feature. According to a study by Snapchat, 92% of GenZ want to use AR for shopping, with 49% of millennials saying AR is ‘very important’ to them.

Offer augmented reality to help customers make confident purchases

AR enables customers to visualize products in their homes, allowing them to view them from different angles and locations. This increases customer engagement and aids in making more confident purchasing decisions.

Additionally, it’s becoming a sought-after feature. According to a study by Snapchat, 92% of GenZ want to use AR for shopping, with 49% of millennials saying AR is ‘very important’ to them.

Showcase products in context

The lack of context in furniture product images often leads to lower conversions and overall sales. Showcasing products in context and life-like settings is crucial, as it allows online shoppers to envision the product in their own space and connect with it.

There’s no need for a full studio setup; our Lifestyle renders can help you create these images effortlessly.

Showcase products in context

The lack of context in furniture product images often leads to lower conversions and overall sales. Showcasing products in context and life-like settings is crucial, as it allows online shoppers to envision the product in their own space and connect with it.

There’s no need for a full studio setup; our Lifestyle renders can help you create these images effortlessly.

Optimize mobile version

Many ecommerce furniture retailers struggle with non-optimized mobile visual content, experiencing issues like unscaled images, slow loading times, and incorrectly displayed toggle buttons.

These problems degrade the shopping experience and directly lower conversion rates. To boost conversions, brands should focus on improving mobile platforms with a smooth user experience, relevant information, and easy navigation.

Optimize mobile version

Many ecommerce furniture retailers struggle with non-optimized mobile visual content, experiencing issues like unscaled images, slow loading times, and incorrectly displayed toggle buttons.

These problems degrade the shopping experience and directly lower conversion rates. To boost conversions, brands should focus on improving mobile platforms with a smooth user experience, relevant information, and easy navigation.

Provide a personalized shopping experience

According to McKinsey, 71% of consumers expect personalization in marketing efforts—and they want it in shopping too!

Integrating product customization into your e-commerce platform allows customers to tailor products to their needs by selecting colors, materials, sizes, or finishes. 

Moreover, Deloitte notes that 71% of consumers who customize a product are willing to pay a premium price, highlighting the benefits of personalization

Provide a personalized shopping experience

According to McKinsey, 71% of consumers expect personalization in marketing efforts—and they want it in shopping too!

Integrating product customization into your e-commerce platform allows customers to tailor products to their needs by selecting colors, materials, sizes, or finishes. 

Moreover, Deloitte notes that 71% of consumers who customize a product are willing to pay a premium price, highlighting the benefits of personalization

What can you expect?

Product visuals not only capture attention and convey messages effectively, but they also build trust and provide detailed information, increasing consumer engagement.


Uplift conversions

Higher-quality visual product content positively impacts KPIs like ‘add to cart’ rates and ‘time on site,’ leading to increased sales conversions


Lower returns

The more detailed and better the product information provided to online consumers, the less likely they are to return products.


Impact brand image

The quality of your visual product content directly impacts your brand image. Stand out from the pack with outstanding and innovative content.

Optimal experience

Stop selling products—start selling experiences to boost customer loyalty and increase average cart value.


Jeroen Gerretsen
Visual Content (3D, Image, Video) Production & Optimisation Expert

Discover how to boost your online furniture sales in just 20 minutes

Unlock the full potential of your online store. Enhance your product visuals, offer personalized shopping experiences, and stand out with innovative content. Ready to see how these changes can increase your sales and customer loyalty?

Schedule a call with us today to explore the possibilities