Watch the webinar recording
“Boost conversions with interactive 3D and AR“

Watch the webinar recording
“Boost conversions with interactive 3D and AR“
We will show you:

Your host
Tommy Hulsbosch
Head of 3D
Tommy has been with Bright River for over 4 years and has over 15 years of experience in various fields of 3D and CGI. As product owner of Rendered, he is now focused on bringing interactive and engaging solutions to e-commerce platforms using 3D and AR experiences.

Your host
Tommy Hulsbosch
Head of 3D
Tommy has been with Bright River for over 4 years and has over 15 years of experience in various fields of 3D and CGI. As product owner of Rendered, he is now focused on bringing interactive and engaging solutions to e-commerce platforms using 3D and AR experiences.